
Purpose Driven Photographer Worskhop: I Love Studio Lighting!

Last weekend, I had a chance to teach again through our Purpose Driven Photographer Workshop in Laguna. Although I mainly shoot weddings, I also love shooting studio photography or creating and shaping with artificial lighting. So last weekend, I was able to share in the workshop basic studio lighting principles. Some people get scared and think it’s too complicated to try studio photography but it’s really not difficult and our goal is to keep it simple for our students. Here are some shots from that day.

I taught them how to do beauty lighting, which is commonly used by advertising photographers for make-up shots or also used for a model’s portfolio. We had two models that day and I showed them how to set-up this kind of lighting.

Studio lighting really comes in handy when there is poor lighting conditions or turn a boring scene into something cool and different.  I showed the class ways to also not be limited to plain backgrounds but also look around and find areas that look interesting. Take for example this one. Gallery F – Studio Cafe, the place where we had our workshop, had a cool nook area with old cameras and lenses, so why not use it right?

Also, I believe in keeping studio lighting simple so I taught the class that one can  do a lot with just one light. Like this one, by just using a studio light with an umbrella as a light modifier. That’s the inner geek in me if you caught the last sentence 🙂


Andy and Paula

It was a fun day of teaching and getting to know the students! Once in a while, if my schedule permits, I also do commercial/studio work for magazines, products and companies. In case you want to see more visit –  my commercial-studio work


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